
10 Tips for Guest Posters: What Content Will Be 100% Accepted?

Tips for Guest Posters: What Content Will Be 100% Accepted?

Here are a few tips that are going to dramatically increase your chances of getting your content accepted by a blog master. These are tips for the average article writer who wants to get his or her article accepted by a blog master. Here are a bunch of tips including a few do�s and don�ts.

Do not submit a post before you have made the request

This is dumb for a number of reasons, with the first one being that the blog master has no incentive �not� to steal your content and post it anyway. They have no connection to you, so why not steal your content? It is also more likely to be rejected because there are few blog masters that are willing to go through hundreds of articles each week that they get via email.

Lay out the article like the other article on the blog

The blog master is going to have a blog filled with articles and posts that share a common type or formatting. If you are smart then you will copy the formatting, style and anything else that is unique about the blog. It will make the blog master more willing and amenable to posting your blog post. People like things they know.

Come up with little known facts that you can blow up a little

For example, the UK government refused to let Martha Stewart into the country because she was convicted of obstruction of justice, which is a law the British take quite seriously. It is common knowledge, but because it was dwarfed by her trial and her conviction it was not really acknowledged. So, imagine if you came up with a headline that stated this fact such as, �Martha Stuart has to cancel UK talk�. Or, you could go even more inflammatory with, �UK government bans Martha Stewart from entering the country.� How could any web master deny posting that little beauty of a blog post?

Do not cover a topic that is already on the blog

This is just silly and it invites rejection. This is true even if you have taken it from a new angle. You have to assume your blog master is too dumb to realize how you have redefined the issue.

Proofread the stuff you have written

If the blog master sees mistakes then he or she may assume that the piece is going to lower the SEO (Search Engine Optimization) value of the website and so will reject it. Instead of arguing over a few mistakes, just make sure yours are clear of them.

Stop nagging and bullying the blog master

It does work but it does not exactly create a very good working relationship, so give nagging a rest. If the blog master is unreliable then move on and find another.

Do not resubmit your crap a few months down the line

This is a common trick that really annoys some blog masters, plus some of them assume you have copied it and forget that you were the one that proposed it a few months ago.

Stop submitting content that you don�t want yourself

Offloading your old and useless content onto an unsuspecting blog master is not a terrible idea, but they are unlikely to appreciate it and you do invite rejection when you do it. If you do have crappy content then bundle it up and sell it to third world companies, or put it on social media as another post pointing at your website.

Do not spin content and try to send it

If you spin content then you are a chump. If the blog master accepts the content then he or she is chump of the year. If you cannot recognize spun content by now then you are a really poor remember of the online community. If the blog master cannot recognize spun content then it may not be worth writing for their blog because they are surly going to lose search engine rankings if they are posting poor will content such as that.

Do your research before you send

If you are proposing a certain type of article or topic, then make sure your research on it is done already. Plus, if you can add in a few bullet point facts about the topic you are going to write about then it may stimulate the blog master�s interest a little. Do your research first too just in case there is very little to write about on the topic when you do it.

Author�s bio:
The guest post is written by Sonia Jackson from Cool Essays. She helps you in writing essays and research papers on different topics. Feel free to approach her.

Its once again a great post by Sonia on IFTISEO. She is really excellent in her writing skills and that's the reason her posts are oftenly posted on IFTISEO. This very article is an example of her knowledge in blogging specially  guest blogging.


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