
Write hotel review and get upto 125 Rs free Recharge by freecharge

HolidayIQ.com is India's first & largest travel community. ,Holiday iq has a awesome offer for freecharge users in which you can grab 125 Rs free charge credits for sharing your review ,you can share upto total of 5 holiday

HolidayIq is a site which is offering this, they have previously offered the same in association with Justrechargeit but now they
are offering free recharge by freecharge

How to get this offer:

What you have to do is open freecharge website from pc or any other internet device.

After accessing their site just do login if you already have account on freecharge otherwise do sign up by filling appropriate details on screen.  After log in from your account, Click on Delights from top menu you will see sliders just click on the center image which is showing up the offer.

Now the offer will open up automatically just click on Write Now button and website will redirect you to the offer , just write a awesome review for Hotel and Submit.

click on ‘Write now’ button and you will be redirected to the holiday iq page,write a
real and genuine review for a “Hotel” and submit it.

Terms and Conditions:

Cashback will be only given to approved reviews so write genuinely. Offer Valid only for Hotel Reviews. 

You will get Cashback within 15 days of writing reviews. Maximum you can earn upto 125 Rs Recharge from this offer.

Offer Valid till: 30th December, 2014


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